Tali Remastered for Mass Effect 2 can be downloaded here Tali : "If you like this free DLC, endorse me please !:)" If you are a Streamer and you want to do a let's play with Tali Remastered, you can play without problem, I will just ask you to mention Getorex ,Creative machinima and Sumirehaikuxna in your credits (or somewhere in the description of your videos.)

of course, you should be able to upload your own mod with Tali Remastered included in. If you make huge changes, for example you add 5 hours of new quests in ME3 or you build mass effect 4 alone in your room. Your name will be added in the credits on this page as contributor of Tali Remastered. If want to mod and share your own modification of Tali Remastered, please contact me and I will add your mod in the downloadable section of this topic. ) you can not create your own nexus page and dump all my files on it. If you make minor changes (fix some bug or just change eyes color etc. You can mod this DLC, however some simple rules should be respected: